Why my measurements appear with a lock on Gestiona?

When your measurements are locked , it can mean:

1. The item is consolidated

When a Control Item is being summed up, it can be blocked for input of some information.

If your item has the arrow in the first column, this indicates that the item has links and/or summations.

When you open the Measurements screen for this item, you can see which fields are locked.

Notice that, at the top, highlighted in yellow is the reason for the lock. You also see this message when trying to edit a locked cell.

2. The item belongs to a Protection Calendar

The Protection Calendar is used to block the editing of control item information for users of the companies that have access, and can only be released with an administrator profile within the tool.

If the item is part of a Calendar, the blocked cells will appear on the Measurements screen. When trying to edit the cells, a warning explaining the reason will appear:

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