White headlight, what does it mean on Gestiona?

If you have filled out the month’s measurement and still the headlight is with a blank color, it is due to some missing information.

Check if the Green Range is correctly filled in, otherwise it will not be possible to make the comparison of the range with the one performed to fill in the color of the headlight.

If your item is totaled, check that the child items are all filled in. If at least one item does not contain all the information filled in, your Control Item will have a blank beacon.

In the example above, all items are with the accomplished filled in.
Next, we will see why the headlights or the Target are blank:

Item 2A is without a Green Range registered for the month of February, for this reason, it is not possible to make the relationship with the measurement to fill the beacon. However, the items of type 2A and 2B will have the Client Track painted, since the sum or the average of the months is done, using the values of the realized and foreseen of the year.

Different from the items of type 1C and 2C, which make the comparison month by month, as is the case of Item 1C that, besides not having the headlight filled in, the Goal can also be blank, because it is not possible to make the relation of the goal with the Green Track to fill it in.

In this case, the error is that, because this item is good for more, it is necessary to have the value for the lower ranges registered both in the Green Range and in the Client Range. If it were a minus good item, it would be necessary to register values for the upper ranges in the Green Range and Client Range.

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