Totalization and Linking Tab

The KPI Totalization and Linking tabs have changed!

Instead of viewing the Totalization or Linking levels in tabs, the ICG now displays all the details of the structure in a cascade. With this new form of visualization, you will more easily visualize the hierarchical relation between KPIs at their different levels.

When opening a new totalization or linking tab, you will have an arrow that indicates that below that KPI, there are other related items. According to the structure created, you can easily navigate between all levels of the structure, viewing the KPIs and their results in a fast, dynamic and intuitive way.

The ICG treats totals and linkings separately, that is, there is one tab to display Totals and another tab to display Linkings.

In this article we will see:

Viewing a Totals of KPIs

Click on a KPI that has a total. In this example, we are going to click on KPI “Presented Prototypes”  from user Quality control.

Click on the Consolidation tab.

You will see that there are two KPIs totaling KPI “Presented Prototypes”: the KPI “Field Research” and KPI Internal Audits.

Note that in KPI “Field Research” there is also an arrow on the left of the KPI’s name. This means that this KPI also contains a totalization at the lower level. Click on the arrow on KPI “Field Research” to expand and view the KPIs that make up this total.

In cases where there are more levels of totalization, just click on the KPI’s arrows to expand and view the KPI for the levels below. As the structure expands, you will notice how the KPIs relate to each other on a single screen.

Notice now that KPI “Field Research” has column D checked, which indicates that there is a split in these KPIs (a Total or Link). However, as there is no arrow to expand the totalization view, this means that these KPIs are only linked to other KPIs.



In the CONSOLIDATION tab it is only possible to view the data of the TOTALIZED KPIs.

In the LINK tab it is only possible to view the data of the LINKED KPIs.


Viewing a KPI Link

In this example, we will click on KPI QC area costs .

When you click on the Linking tab, you will see the same cascading structure seen in the previous example.

To view all link levels, simply click on the arrows to expand the view.



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