Step 10 – Action Plan

What is an Action Plan?

The action plan is a set of activities that aim to achieve an objective.

It is a management tool used:

  • When I am not achieving my proposed results;
  • When I am predicting the need for a change in the results of my process;
  • When we need to implement an opportunity for improvement.

It allows for details in the monitoring of the execution of the activities planned to achieve certain objectives and goals.

Usually, it is prepared in the form of a table where we establish the main items necessary for the execution of activities.

When to make an Action Plan?

There are three moments where the Action Plan is commonly applied:

  1. When the Goal is red.
  2. When I predict that the Goal will turn red.
  3. Can be used anytime you want to improve results and optimize.

Select the desired KPI and click on the Plan tab.

To add an Action Plan, click New Plan.

Fill in the information and click Save.

To add actions to your plan, select the desired plan and click New Action.

Fill in the information and click Save.

Actions that have not been completed or have expired will be indicated in your Pending Actions. We will see this function in the next step.

When you return to your Dashboard, you will be able to verify that there is a check in the KPI where you made your action plan.

Notice that the Goal is different. The band is representing what your forecast will look like at the end of the plan.

For more information, visit Action Plan: How to do it.

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