Step 06- Graphics

To open the chart of a KPI, select the desired KPI and click on the icon below:

The sectioned KPI’s chart will open.

To view the chart for another KPI, simply select it. There is no need to close the chart window.

Example of a Type 1C KPI:

Example of Type 2A, 2B and 2C KPIs:

The name and metric of the KPI will be indicated at the top.

It will also be possible to view the Goal. The arrow indicates whether the KPI is good for , less or equal  .

In the example in 2B KPI, there is a gray line below the chart. This line means that in those months there is a registered action plan.

  • At the bottom of the graph there are some options that the user can use.
    • You can hide Labels, leaving more viewing space for the chart.
    • In the View button, you can hide the horizontal and vertical lines, as well as the realized values.
    • In the Period, you can choose whether to view 12 months or 24 months.
    • In the Previous Years button, if you have reference values, you can display the last three years on the graph.

To find out more about the chart’s functions, visit The KPI’s Chart article.

When a KPI is totaled, you can view the totalization chart for that KPI. To do this, select the desired KPI and click on the icon below:

You will be able to identify how much each KPI is influencing the result of your totaled KPI.

At the top you can define the type of chart. By default, it will be a bars type, but you can change it to columns.

You can also define the type of visualization, whether it will show what has been accomplished or the difference between what has been accomplished and what is expected.

Below is an example of a column chart with the visualization showing the difference between the realized and the predicted.

Below is an example of a bars chart with the display showing the difference between what was accomplished and what was budgeted.

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