Step 05: Inserting Metrics on Gestiona

To register the metrics manually, just click on the three dots icon and choose the Measurements feature, as shown below:

You will be redirected to the Metrics screen.

Just enter the value in the desired field, and when you are done click the Save button.

You can also define which months are measured. By default all months will be marked as measured, but some KPIs are not measured every month.
Simply uncheck the check box in the Met column. This way, Quattrus will not count the month for the Green Range and Goal calculations.

You can enter comments for each month, as indicated by the arrow.

On this menu you can also:

  • Consult metrics from the past years;
  • Alternate between KPIs;
  • Export KPI metrics;

You can also enter values directly on the Dashboard. To do this, simply click on the headlight of the desired month and choose the Edit Metrics option.

The system will open the quick editing window, as below:

You can enter values or make changes.

As with the Metrics screen, you can write a comment and also uncheck the measured check box for the month.

After finishing it, click on Save.

To import metrics in the user profile, click on the indicated icon to select the “Import” option.

Next, select the “Measurement” type, search for the file on your computer, and click Send. As shown in the image below:

Make sure you are importing an excel file and within the import standards! The spreadsheet cannot contain any filters or formulas. Valid formats include: .xls, .xlsx, .csv

You can click on the “Refresh” button to see the status of the file upload. When it is ready, the status will show the message: (100%) Importation done successfully.

On KPIs of the 1C type, the user must enter the ranges according to Good When

1. KPI Good when LESS (-): you must register the Green Range and UPPER goal, it is mandatory.
2. KPI Good when MORE (+): the user must register the Green Range and the LOWER goal, it is mandatory.

This setting is determinant for Quattrus to color the headlights and goals correctly.

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