Pareto: Usability Tips

You can use these same steps to make a Bar Chart.

In this article we will show you some Pareto features that will help you when registering a New Pareto.

Copying Excel Structure

In case you already have your structures ready in Excel, you can use the commands Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V

In your excel structure, copy the lines you want:

In the Pareto window, create the Main Pareto:

Now select the Main Pareto and use the paste command Ctrl + V. The structure below the Main Pareto will be pasted:

If you want to create a Compound Pareto, you will need to copy another excel structure and paste it in the desired subcategory.

Select the subcategory you need and use the command Ctrl + V:

Moving Pareto lines

If you entered a value in the wrong place, you can change its position instead of removing and adding it again.

  1. Select the value registered in the wrong place.
  2. Drag to the level you want, the level where the new link will be made will be bold.
  3. Drop the value. The new link will be made.

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