Offline Report: How to Download it

The Offline Meeting report is a simple tool to use. You can use the offline meeting report to extract information from the ICG and hold your results meeting without having to be connected to the internet

To extract the report, click on the Offline Report icon.

Upon clicking, a window as shown in the image below will open. Fill in the description of the meeting and the base date of the meeting.

In this first tab you can check which users will participate in the report, by default, the subordinate users will appear in the report.
To add another participant, type the name or search the list in the Invite Participant field and click Add Participant.

To remove a participant, select the checkbox and click Remove Participant.

In the second tab you will configure what will appear in your report. After choosing the desired options, click to Generate the File.

A download link will be forwarded to the logged user’s email. Upon receiving, just click on the Download button and wait for the file to be transferred to your computer.

Para entender o Relatório Offline, acesse nosso artigo Relatório Offline: PDF, nele explicaremos como entender e navegar pelo relatório.

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