KPI Registration: KPI Validity

In this article we will see how to configure the validity of a KPI.

The validity of the KPI defines a START or END date for the management of each KPI in the ICG.

This feature is suitable for users who plan to start or end the management of a KPI without losing its history or for situations of transition or temporary management.

There are two ways to configure the duration of a KPI:

  1. Individualapplies the validity to only one KPI;
  2. Generalapplies the validity to several KPIs.
Individual Configuration

To configure the validity of a single KPI, simply access the Period tab on the KPI Registration screen.

Then, just set the Start and END date you need for this KPI:


General Configuration

IMPORTANT: this feature requires the Next Year’s Goal Approval feature to be enabled.

Click on the 3 bars icon, then on KPI Validity:

Choose the year you want:

  • Year 2019(current): from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019
  • Year 2020(future): from 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020

Select the desired indicators and click APPLY:



When the KPI is not valid, your goal will be hidden in the dashboard:

Therefore, when defining the validity dates of your KPIs, you can have three situations:

  1. Valid KPI– base month is contained in the validity period of the KPI.
  2. Expired KPI – start date and end date are before the base month.
  3. Future Validity KPI– The validity start and end date is after the base month.


  1. For the calculation of the EGU, the system will take into account the validity of the KPI.
  2. KPIs that are not valid in the selected month will NOT affect the calculation of the EGU.
  3. KPIs that are not valid during the year will NOT need to have the target approved as well.
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