KPI Registration: Item Period in Gestiona

In this article we will explain how to register the Period and the Validity of your control items. The Period is recommended for seasonal items or for fiscal years, for example. The Validity is recommended for transitory situations, such as the beginning or end of the management of an item.

To configure the Item Validity access the article Item Registration: Item Validity.

The Control Items have periods registered from January to December, by default. You can change the validity of the measurements of your item by accessing the Control Item Register.


To do so, select the Period tab.

In the Evidence of Measurements section, click on New Period..

Then set the month and year of the start or end of the desired period.

To delete a registered period, simply select the period and click on the Delete Period button.

Se você está cadastrando período em um item do tipo 2A ou 2B, fique atento ao cálculo da Meta!
Para saber como cada tipo de item se comporta, acesso o artigo Tipo de Item.
Se você repousar o mouse sob a Meta no dashboard principal do sistema, verá a janela com informações do período que está sendo contabilizado.

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