Graph: Gestiona Item Graph

To open an item’s chart, go to the desired Control Item and click on the three dots icon after the Goal and select the Item Chart option.

When you open the graph, you will see your measurements.

At the top, you’ll see the name and indicator of the selected item, and you’ll also see whether the item is good for plus, minus or equal.

You can use the arrows:

 – Go Back or Forward a Month
 – Go Back or Forward a Year

At the bottom, you have a few options. See below what each one means:

Comparative Measurements

You will be able to compare your items or those of other users, allowing you to make a more complete analysis of your control item.
When you click on the button, select the user and the control item you want to compare, then click Add.

You can select the color you want to see on your graph.

To view the graph, simply close the Comparative Measurements window.

In this case, we don’t have the Y axis enabled. Notice that the measurement for Access Sector 1 was 780.00 and on the graph it is on the 200.00 axis.
With the Y Axis not enabled, the system will take an average to give you a better view.

To view the actual measurement, enable the X-axis.

When you return to the graph, you’ll see the measurements like this:

Exibir Legenda
Ao clicar neste botão você irá exibir ou ocultar a legenda do seu gráfico.

Cumulative values

Você poderá visualizar os valores acumulados durante o ano. Basta clicar no botão Acumular Valores. Clique novamente para voltar para a visualização não acumulada.


Você poderá configurar o que o gráfico mostrará.
Poderá ocultar ou exibir as linhas dos eixos e as medições do realizado.

Você poderá optar por visualizar o período do item configurado no cadastro do item conforme a sua necessidade.

Anos Anteriores

Você poderá visualizar suas medições dos anos anteriores.
Lembrando que você verá apenas o realizado. No canto esquerdo você poderá ver o valor mínimo, máximo e a média do seu realizado.

To view the graph of another item, you don’t have to close the graph window, just click on the other control item.

You will then see the graphic for the selected control item.

Notice that in the months from October to December there is a gray band. This means that in this period there is a Action Plan registered.

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