Goal: Two columns appear in the goal, why is this?

If you access your Dashboard and notice that you have two goal columns, it is because the “Goal Approval for Next Year” feature is enabled.

Next Year Goal Approval allows you to formalize the goals for each KPI for the following years. This feature can be especially useful for users who want to plan ahead.

When you access Quattrus, you will see a new column to the right of the Goal, called Goal 2023 (i.e. the year following the current base year), as in the example below:

It is up to the leader to ask the subordinates to register the forecasts and goals for the following year for all their Control Items, otherwise, the Leader must access each table of his subordinates and perform this task.

This way, as soon as the turn of the year occurs, Quattrus will automatically pass the values from the Goal 2023 column to the Goal column (current year) and the next year’s Goal column will be hidden and displayed again as the next turn of the year approaches.

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