Goal Approval on Gestiona

In this article, we will look at the different ways to perform goal approval of your team’s user items.

Goal Approval is a feature that gives more transparency and consistency in the management of your team’s goals.

When a user registers a goal, the control item assumes the status of unapproved and therefore available for editing. Once approved by the leader, the goal becomes locked for user editing.

There are two ways to approve goals: through the Approvals menu in the Leader dashboard or by clicking directly on the goal item in the user dashboard.

Leader Dashboard Approval

To view the goals pending approval, go to Menu > Approvals > Goals.

By clicking on Goals, the system will open a screen listing all the control items of the users in your team with goals awaiting approval.


Approve goals individually

To approve the target for an individual control item, simply click on the desired target.

Then the system will open a pop-up with the approval button.

When you approve the goal, you will see a confirmation and the record will be removed from the pending approvals screen.


Approve goals in batches

In this option, the leader can select the targets of several control items and perform the approval at once.

Simply select the Batch Approval icon to enable the checkboxes on the screen.

Next, click on the checkboxes of the desired items and then click Save.

Once approved, the goal will be fully colored and locked for editing.


Subordinate’s Dashboard Approval

In this mode, you can approve the goals of the items of the users in your team by directly accessing the user’s dashboard.

You can perform the goal approval from any screen that the goal is being displayed.

In Dashboard

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In either option, simply click on the goal and then Approve.

Once approved, the goal will be fully colored and locked for editing.

Disapprove Goals

By unlocking a target, you allow editing of its values. In this way, both the leader and the user can propose a new target for the control item.

To unlock a goal, the leader simply clicks on the previously approved goal of the desired item.

When you open the screen, you will see the approval data and you can click on the unlock button.

Once unlocked, the goal will revert to its empty coloration.



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