Gestiona Compact Screen: How to Activate and View

What is the Quattrus Compact Screen

The Quattrus Compact Screen is a new way to view the actions that are under your responsibility. With this option, it is possible to view on your dashboard the actions originating from FCA’s, Meetings, Tasks and Action Plans.


How to activate the Compact Screen

To activate this feature, simply click on the icon with two inward arrows in your Dashboard.

When you activate this option, the system automatically changes the month view as follows:

  • Blank Months = 0
  • Number of Months = 1

Once this setting is activated, you can still configure the month view to display more months on your dashboard, even with compact mode enabled. To do so, just reconfigure the values ​​of the Blank Months and Number of Months fields.


Current week is the week between Sunday (last) and Saturday (next).

Viewing Actions

By double-clicking on an action, the system will open a screen detailing the action in its original context, that is, if the action is from an FCA, it will open the screen with the FCA showing the registered action. If the action is from an Action Plan, the system will open the screen with the details of the Action Plan showing the registered action, the same goes for actions created in Tasks and Meetings.

After activating the compact mode, when you return to the system dashboard, you will see that the screen will be divided. On the left will be your KPIs and on the right, the action screen showing two sections:

  • Superior: This week + Due
  • Bottom: Next Actions

In the top section, under This Week + Expired, you will see all of your past expired actions, completed actions and past expired actions for the current week.



Stock Status

The stock statuses in compact mode are as follows:

  • Expired (in Red): These are the actions that have not been completed and have already expired.

  • Active in the week (in Gray): These are the actions that have not been completed and are expired in the current week.
  • Completed (in Green): These are the actions that have already been completed and are expired in the current week.
  • Futures (in Black): Are the actions not completed and with completion date from the following week.


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