FCA: Linking with another User

Often the cause of a result being outside the Green Band is due to a linked KPI or a totalizing KPI, thinking about it the ICG allows you to link the FCA of an KPI that is linked or is totaling to your KPI

We can link an FCA to a Totalized KPI or a Linked KPI.

If your KPI is shown in gray in column D, it means that it has linked or totaled KPIs. When clicking on the KPIs that are outside the Green Band, a new tab Totalization (when the KPI is totaled) and / or Linking (when the item is linked) will appear.

It will show the list of totalizing or linked KPIs. Select the beacon of the totalized / linked KPI to link the FCA to your KPI.

It will only be possible to link an FCA from the same month, it will not be possible to link an FCA from different months.

Click the Linking KPIs icon. A list will appear with KPIs that are outside the Green Band. Select the KPI you need.

When selecting, you will notice that the black outline around the beacon is gone. This means that the FCA has already been linked. You can check it out by going back to the initial dashboard.

When you return to the initial dashboard, click on your KPI and click on the FCA tab.

Note that the FCA is exactly the same as the one linked to your main KPI. A message will indicate that this FCA is linked.

A link is made and not a copy of the FCA, this means that when changing the FCA of one of the KPIs, it will also change the FCA of the other KPI.

We will change the FCA of the main KPI.

When going to the FCA of KPI 2, Cause 2 will also be modified.

It will only be possible to link a single FCA, and to link a user’s FCA with the subordination hierarchy above yours, it will be necessary to access the user who owns the “parent KPI” in order to activate the FCA linking of the “child KPIs”.

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