EGU Criteria on Gestiona

If you use EGU in your company, see below the formula used to calculate the score for each criteria:


Forecast calculates how correct the forecasts and ranges defined for the user’s KPIs are. That is, it calculates the average of KPIs that fall within the defined forecasts and ranges.

The formula is:

Results Analysis

The results analysis criteria serves to verify that the FCAs are completed satisfactorily. Thus, if any FCA is missing in that month, the score is automatically zero.

Having completed all the necessary FCAs, the score for this criteria is calculated as follows:

  1. Half of the score (50%) is measured using the equation below:
  2. The other half is calculated if the user has at least one action on cause. 

In other words, to get an 100% score, you need to complete all the FCAs for the month, with the number of cause-on-cause being equal to or greater than the number of KPIs out of the ranges, and at least one of the FCAs must have action-on-cause.

Results Planning

Results planning evaluates whether you have registered an action plan where necessary. That is, if the customer range appears red or yellow, you must create an action plan, and the score for this criteria is calculated as follows:


  • Your plan must have at least one registered action! If any of your KPIs do not have actions, only the plan title, it will not be accounted for in the EGU score!
  • To be considered a valid Action Plan, it must be active in the base month, start in the current month or the following month. For example: if we look at the EGU for the base month JANUARY, plans that are active in JANUARY (base month), that start in FEBRUARY (current month) or start in MARCH (next month) will be considered as valid.
Goal Management

For the software methodology to work, all goals must be inserted. The goal management criteria verifies this.

If you have no KPIs, the score is automatically zero. If you do, the calculation is done as follows:

First the criteria identifies the “Challenge Factor” that is characterized by one or more improvement goals (red / yellow goal) or by the existence of an Action Plan in a KPI that is with the goal in green. The Challenge Factor is a prerequisite for the calculation, and if it is met the system will apply the following formula:


If all the goals are green, the challenge factor is applied, giving a zero score. The objective is that the user always seeks his best, changing his goals when the result is under control, bringing new challenges in the management of his KPIs. In other words, always have goals to achieve for your KPIs (Yellow or Red goals).

In the Goal Management criteria for 1C TYPE KPIs that are not measured on a monthly basis it is necessary to observe some particularities:
1 – New item and no history of previous metrics: it will be necessary to insert the goal and forecasts to be considered in the Goal Management criteria, even if it is not measured in the base month. Otherwise, if the goal is not registered, it will be discounted from the Goal Management criteria.
2 – Item with previous metrics history: the ICG will display in the Goal the color and goal values of the last result that was measured.

Planned Actions

Planned actions checks whether the user has any pending actions due.
If you have no pending actions due, the score is automatically 100%.

If there are overdue actions, 20% is discounted for each one, with the maximum discount being 100%.
Based on this, the formula is:

The user that delegated the action and the user that has been delegated the action will be impacted in the EGU for this action, if the user that delegated the action is waiting for it to be accepted. If it is not accepted, only the user who is waiting for the acceptance will be impacted in his EGU.

Results Management (Results Meeting)

The RR management criteria checks whether you have scheduled and conducted the results meetings with your subordinates in the right way.
You must have written the minute for the meeting with at least 200 characters or have it attached to the meeting.
If you have no subordinates, this criteria will still appear in the list, but will NOT be considered in the EGU score.

The EGU considers the current month as the base month selected:

  • Meeting in current month must be completed and have minutes. (70% score)
  • Meeting scheduled next month. (30% score)

Remember that your overall score is calculated using the following calculation:

Sum of (Score * Weight) of each criteria divided by Total Weight

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