When you enter RPPA mobile, the first screen you see is the monitoring sessions.
To conduct a monitoring session, tap the arrow next to the date.
IMPORTANT: Overdue monitoring sessions cannot be conducted. To perform them, you must first reschedule them through RPPA web.
The next screen shows your checklist. To change the status, simply tap on the item.
The statuses are:
– Achieved the objective
– Did not achieve the objective
– Not monitored
If you click the + button to the left of each item, you will see the attachment options.
Here you can:
Add a photo or video
Add a comment or audio
Add the item’s execution time
If an item has been marked as red, on the reports screen you can describe the reason.
On the following screen, you must add feedback.
The penultimate screen is the tasks screen, where you can create tasks by simply selecting the date, writing the description, and tapping Add. REMEMBER: These tasks are for you, not for the monitored person.
The final screen is the training screen. Here, the monitor should define the monitored person’s level of knowledge in each of the processes.
The training settings are defined by the facilitator.
After this, just tap finish, and your monitoring session will be complete! To check it, access the history tab in RPPA on your computer.