Company Mission


The mission of a company or a sector can be defined as its main purpose, the reason why it exists. The Mission acts as a business identity and motivates customers to relate or look for their products and services. In addition, it develops a sense of direction in all sectors, guiding teams to perform work that contributes to the achievement of the company’s overall results.

In this article we will see:


To create a mission, click on the icon shown below:

The Book will open. Click to add a new Mission, or select the mission you want.

When selecting a mission, you will see the fields filled.
When clicking on New, you must fill in the name of the Business and click on Create.

You will see the empty fields to be filled.

In the menu you can export, import, delete or save the mission.


Defined Mission

If you already have the Mission defined in your Company or in your Sector, you can use it for the definition or alignment of your indicators.
To do this, you should check the following steps:

1. How do you measure if you are carrying out your mission?
What are the KPIs that measure the execution of the mission

How do you measure whether you are delivering to your customer your main need and the main elements of the Value Package?
How do you measure if you are complying with your competitive essence?

2. What is your Vision/Challenge:
Vision – is your main long-term goal (Ex: 5 years)
Challenge – is your main short-term objective (Ex: challenge until the end of the year or for the next year)

3. How do you measure your Vision/Challenge?
What indicators do you measure to monitor if you are reaching your Vision / Challenge?


Undefined Mission

Follow the steps below to complete your Company’s Mission:

1 - Define your Target Customer

Define who your target customer is. Be special to someone in particular – we know that you serve several customers, but right now we need to focus on the main customer, whether internal or external, who receives your main product.

2 - Define his main Need

What is the main need that the target customer has that I propose to meet?

3 - Define your Value Package

Define the Value Package for your target customer.

Value Package = set of characteristics or attributes of the product/service that the customer evaluates when deciding to purchase a certain product/service.

At this point, identify how your business proposes to be better than my competitors.

4 - Define your Competitive Essence

What is your Competitive Essence to meet the customer’s need?

If you had to highlight your main strength on a billboard to meet the customer’s need, what would it be?

5 - Define the Key Success Factors

To guarantee your competitive essence and meet the customer’s needs, what are the Key Success Factors?

Key Success Factors = are the key points that your sector needs to “HAVE or KNOW” to meet the needs of the target customer.

TO HAVE = Physical, Human, Technological Resources, Procedures, Manuals, etc.
TO KNOW = Training, technical knowledge, experience, etc.

6 - Define the Mission

Now that you have identified:

Who is your target customer;
What is the main need of this customer;
What is your competitive essence;

Let’s define your mission.
The Mission is the reason for the existence of an organization, and it must answer the question: What am I in the market for?

The Mission must be clear, simple, objective and small.
It must obligatorily include the 3 pieces of information: customer, need and competitive essence.

7 - Identify KPIs to measure the Mission

Now that you have your mission defined, let’s define the KPIs that measure whether you are actually fulfilling your mission.

How do you measure whether you are delivering to your customer your main need and the main elements of the Value Package?
How do you measure if you are complying with your competitive essence?

8 - Define your Vision/Challenge

What is your Vision/Challenge?

Vision – is your main long-term goal.
Ex: 5 years.

Challenge – it is your main short-term goal.
Ex: challenge until the end of the year or for the next year.

9 - Identify KPIs to measure Vision/Challenge

How do you measure your Vision/Challenge?

What KPIs do you measure to track whether you are achieving your Vision/Challenge?

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