Copying and Moving KPIs


The Copy and Move KPIs functionality serves to facilitate the movement of items between users. If a user changes sector in the company and another user is responsible for the control items, this functionality will help you.
If you have the necessary releases, the administrator will be able to copy and/or move items from users who have access.

Click on the icon shown below:


By default, the KPIs of the person logged into the system will appear on the left, however, it is possible to change it to the user you need.

In the left part, select the user of source of the KPI you want to move or copy, and in the right column, select the user destination.

Select the KPIs you want and drag to the right side.

The system will open a selection window. Choose the option you want and click Save.

When entering the target user’s dashboard, you will find the KPIs that have been copied and/or moved.

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