Committee KPIs

You will be able to configure the resource, its properties and generate the Automation Report.

Comitee KPIs

The Management Committee KPIs are a set of standard KPIs that measure the degree of adherence of users to our management methodology through the use of the ICG.

The Committee’s KPIs are as follows:

Main KPIs

  • EGU – Quality management system: it is the average of the scores of all the EGU criteria of the active users.
  • EGU – Managers below: is the number of users whose EGU score is below the value registered as a target.
  • Strategic Goals Achieved: is the percentage of items with goals achieved (goals in green, blue or teal) in relation to the total number of KPIs.
  • RR Results Meetings: It is the number of results meetings held by leaders in the month.
  • Achievement of RRs: is the percentage of Leaders with RRs performed in relation to the total number of registered Meeting Leaders.
  • EGU – % of Managers Above Target: is the percentage of users with EGU above target and in relation to Total users.

Auxiliary KPIs

  • EGU: is the EGU rating of each user.
  • EGU – Managers below: is the number of users with EGU below the target

See an example of Committee KPIs on the ICG dashboard:


How to Enable the User Committee

Depending on the size of your company, it is possible to have more people on the steering committee.

In this way, it is possible to enable the committee user in the Client or in the Companies registered in the ICG.


1. Client’s Cometee


IMPORTANT: To enable this feature, you must have Edit Client permission.

To set up customer committee, click on Client:

When accessing the client registration screen, go to the Client Committee section and click on the checkbox Show Client Committee

Then the User Committee and the User Committee selecting from the list.

  • Lead User: is the user who plays the role of leadership or sponsor in the project. Usually the Management Committee data will be presented to this user. The Lead User will only receive by email the Automation Report generated automatically by the ICG.
  • Committee User: is the user responsible for managing the committee KPIs. This user will have the default KPI set in their ICG Dashboard.

Beside these fields, you can enable the options:

  • Generate Report for Facilitators: Enables the committee control items on the dashboard of the Facilitator user also to receive the Automation Report by email.
  • Gerar EGU dos Usuários: Habilita o item de controle auxiliar EGU em todos os usuários.
  • Generate User EGU: Enable EGU auxiliary KPI on all users.

To learn more about User Facilitator see this link.

At the end of the configuration, click on Save.


Data Source

In order for the measurements of the KPIs on the client’s committee to be calculated and updated correctly, it is necessary to enable the companies from which the data will be obtained.

To do this, just access the registration of each company and click on the checkbox Show Company Committee:

Then, just click Save.


Company Committee

To configure the User Committee of a Company, access the registration screen of the company you want and go to the Company Committee section.

In the User Committee field, select the user you want.

Then, just click Save.


Facilitator’s KPIs

As well as the Client Committee and Company Committee users, the Facilitator user will also be able to have in his dashboard the set of committee KPIs, but related only to users registered as Facilitators.

See the article: Configure Facilitator to learn more.


Update of Committee KPI Data

The updating of the data of the Committee’s Control KPIs can be carried out in two ways: Automatic and Manual.

Automatic Updating

This feature is configured to automatically update the committee’s KPIs on a monthly basis on the 1st of each month.

Data will be updated as follows:

  1. The measurements of all the committee’s KPIs will be automatically registered in the registered Committee User’s dashboard.
  2. The measurements of the notes of all users’ EGUs will be automatically registered in their respective dashboards (provided that the option Generate Users’ EGU is enabled);
  3. The Automation Report will be sent by email to the Lead User, the Committee User and the Facilitator User  (provided that the option Generate Report for Facilitators is enabled) as in the example below:

Manual Updating

In addition to the Automatic Update, you can generate an updated report of the Committee KPIs at any time, both in the Client’s register and in the Company’s register.

Just access the Committee Report section

Set the base date (Month and Year) and click Generate.

This way, the data will be updated just like in the Automatic Update described above.

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