The business world is dynamic and fast-paced, where every decision can directly influence the final results. With this in mind, we present Opera, a revolutionary tool that came to simplify and optimize management, providing a more focused look at monitoring short-term results.

1. Integration with Gestiona: Opera is an integration of Gestiona, bringing with it all the simplicity and efficiency already known, but with an even more specific focus on short-term results, whether daily or weekly.

2. Monitoring dashboard: The central point of Opera is its dashboard, which allows you to clearly and objectively monitor the impact of the evolution of actions on results. With it, it is possible to predict trends, anticipate actions and prepare in advance for possible unwanted scenarios, minimizing surprises and maximizing opportunities.

3. Productivity and assertiveness: One of Opera’s innovative features is the option of impressions and comments, which allow employees to express their feelings regarding results and gather relevant information on a daily basis for more effective monitoring and specific support from the leader, who accompanies the team dashboard, reducing the need for extensive meetings and increasing team productivity.

Opera is much more than a results analysis tool. It is an innovative solution that allows for more efficient, proactive and humanized management, making monitoring more strategic and productive. Click here to learn more.


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